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Report a vulnerability

If you believe you have found a security issue that meets Wellsite’s definition of a vulnerability, please submit the report to our security team via one of the methods below:

If you are a customer:

  • Submit a ticket to our support team

If you are a security researcher:

Only vulnerabilities submitted through our bug bounty program are eligible to receive a bounty payment.

Please include the following information in your report:

  • Type of issue (cross-site scripting, SQL injection, remote code execution, etc.)
  • Product and version with the bug or a URL if dealing with a cloud service
  • The potential impact of the vulnerability (i.e. what data can be accessed or modified)
  • Step-by-step instructions to reproduce the issue
  • Any proof-of-concept or exploit code required to reproduce

We are unable to respond to bulk reports generated by automated scanners. If you identify issues using an automated scanner, it is recommended that you have a security practitioner review the issues and ensure that the findings are valid before submitting a vulnerability report to Wellsite.

Definition of a vulnerability

Wellsite considers a security vulnerability to be a weakness in one of our products or infrastructure that could allow an attacker to impact the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of the product or infrastructure.

We do not consider the following types of findings to be security vulnerabilities:

  • Presence or absence of HTTP headers (X-Frame-Options, CSP, nosniff, etc.). These are considered security best practices and therefore we do not classify them as vulnerabilities.
  • Missing security-related attributes on non-sensitive cookies. Wellsite products may set certain security-related attributes on cookies used on our applications. The absence of these headers on non-sensitive cookies is not considered a security vulnerability.
  • Exposed stack traces. We do not consider stack traces by themselves to be a security issue. If you find that a stack trace details personally identifiable information or user generated content, please submit a report detailing the issue.
  • Content spoofing by administrative users. We allow administrators to inject HTML into specific areas of our products as a customization feature and do not consider that functionality to be a vulnerability.
  • Clickjacking on pages that only contain static content.
  • Auto-complete enabled or disabled


Bug bounty program

Wellsite operates a public bug bounty program for our products via our partner, Bugcrowd. Security researchers can receive cash payments in exchange for a qualifying vulnerability report submitted to Wellsite via our bounty programs.


Public disclosure

Wellsite makes it a priority to resolve any security vulnerabilities in our products within the timeframes identified in our Master Service Agreement. Wellsite follows coordinated vulnerability disclosure and requests, to protect our customers, that anyone reporting a vulnerability to us does the same.